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To best represent the type of work that BYU students produce, we encourage students to submit a variety of papers completed during their time at our university. These articles can be related to Political Science, International Relations, or a related field. We accept the following types of articles:

  • Research Notes
  • Qualitative research
  • Quantitative research
  • Capstone papers
  • Policy Briefs
  • Book Reviews
  • Experimental & Survey Research

When submitting, we ask that you follow the following formatting guidelines so as to make your submission easier to review.

  1. Indicate the type of paper you are submitting (quantitative, qualitative, etc.).
  2. Ensure that your paper is double-spaced and written in 12 Times New Roman font with one-inch margins.
  3. Please include page numbers.
  4. Review your paper for any major grammatical or spelling errors. 
  5. Your references must be in Turabian style. Please review a Turabian style guide for further clarification.
  6. Submissions should be sent to

We do not expect students to submit perfect papers. If your paper is accepted, we will work with you throughout the semester to review and edit your paper thoroughly so that it is ready to be published. Please recognize that you will still need to make some adjustments. If you are unwilling or unable to make these edits, it may mean that we will not be able to publish your paper.

Your article will be published by the beginning of April and distributed in a printed copy of SIGMA at the final banquet of BYUPAS.

The deadlines for the 2024-2025 school year are as follows:
Early deadline: October 15th, 2024
Final deadline: January 21st, 2025

If you are unable to submit your paper by the early deadline, please feel free to still submit your paper at any time until the Final Deadline.